Medical Books
epub |eng | 2018-01-15 | Author:Victoria E. Kress & Matthew J. Paylo & Nicole Stargell

What are your core values? What skills have you used to cope with your troubles in the past? Did they work? Do you have supportive family members or friends that ...
( Category: Suicide March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Kaplan Nursing

( Category: Assessment March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-03-09 | Author:Amy S. Wyngaard

Chapter 3 Conceptualizing Fetishism: Rétif and the Advent of Modern Sexual Science 3 Sade’s contributions to the fields of sexology and psychology are commonly known, even if the details of ...
( Category: Psychology & Counseling March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-01-10 | Author:Eric R. Braverman, Ellie Capria

Generally speaking, my patients follow a regimen that starts with the least invasive, most natural therapies. I believe that lifestyle changes, including a diet focused on foods and nutrients that ...
( Category: Sex March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Bhoopander Giri & Ram Prasad & Qiang-Sheng Wu & Ajit Varma

( Category: Engineering March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Zhanwen Liu

6.II.2.iv.b Excessive Yang Repelling Yin In this case excessive Yang occupies the interior of the body and repels Yin to the exterior. Clinically, in addition to internal Heat symptoms (see ...
( Category: Alternative Medicine March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Hock Heng Tan [Hock Heng Tan]

Suggested readings Best Practices for Hospital-based First Receivers of Victims from Mass Casualty Incidents Involving the Release of Hazardous Substances. OSHA 3249–08N 2005. Available at: Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents, ...
( Category: Radiology March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Seymour I. Schwartz

SOURCES Hastings, Selina. The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham: A Biography. London: John Murray, 2009. Meyers, Jeffrey. Somerset Maugham: A Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. Strauss, M. B. ...
( Category: Medical March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2006-07-15 | Author:Mother Love & Tonya Bolden

Key #4: Daily Vitamins and Minerals As with my “meals,” I’d have to ingest supplements ever so slowly. No popping a tablet or capsule. I’d have to do chewables to ...
( Category: Memoirs March 10,2020 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2016-07-30 | Author:Nicholas Culpeper [Culpeper, Nicholas]

WALL FLOWERS, OR WINTER GILLI-FLOWERS. The garden kind are so well known that they need no description. Descript. ] The common single Wall-flowers, which grow wild abroad, have sundry small, ...
( Category: Herbal Remedies March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2010-05-11 | Author:Judith Viorst

17 Shifting Images … I have found a mourning process for oneself as one gets older and must come to terms with change resulting from this unavoidable progression. One might ...
( Category: Applied Psychology March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Kuppuswami Shivakumar & Shabbir Amanullah

10.4 Summary of Approach One common theme to successfully mitigating the challenges raised above is the use of tools that allow us to quantify severity, monitor response, and measure side ...
( Category: Mental Health March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-03-09 | Author:H. Kent Baker

What Is Hyperbolic Discounting and Why Is It Important? Why do some merchants advertise “Buy now, pay later?” Why do some people carry large credit card debt at a high ...
( Category: Stocks March 10,2020 )
epub, pdf |eng | | Author:Donna Z. Bliss

8.4 Risk Factors for Fecal Incontinence in Nursing Home Patients 8.4.1 Age Age has been confirmed as a risk factor for fecal incontinence in many population-based studies [2]. Normal anorectal ...
( Category: Medicine March 10,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Keith C. Ferdinand

31. Tamariz L, Agarwal S, Soliman EZ, et al. Association of serum uric acid with incident atrial fibrillation (from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities [ARIC] study). Am J Cardiol. 2011;108:1272–6.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef ...
( Category: Medicine March 10,2020 )